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Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator

Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator - WHR & BMI Calculator

Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator

Use our calculator to easily determine your Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) and Body Mass Index (BMI). Understand your body fat distribution, potential health risks, and get personalized health advice.

Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator        

Our Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) Calculator is here to help you understand these aspects better. By calculating your WHR and Body Mass Index (BMI), you can gain insights into your potential health risks and get personalized health advice.

Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator
Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator 

What is Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)?

The Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) is a simple measurement that compares the circumference of your waist to that of your hips. It is a useful indicator of body fat distribution and helps in assessing your risk of developing health conditions related to obesity.

Why is WHR Important?

Research has shown that carrying more weight around your abdomen (apple-shaped body) is associated with higher health risks compared to carrying more weight around your hips (pear-shaped body). High WHR is linked to conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

How to Use the Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator

Our Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator is designed to be user-friendly and informative. Follow these simple steps to calculate your WHR and BMI:

  1. Enter Your Gender: Select your gender from the dropdown menu.
  2. Input Your Height: Enter your height in meters.
  3. Measure Your Waist: Measure the circumference of your waist in centimeters.
  4. Measure Your Hips: Measure the circumference of your hips in centimeters.
  5. Calculate WHR: Click the "Calculate WHR" button to get your results.
  6. Reset: If you need to start over, simply click the "Reset" button.

External Resource

Waist-to-hip ratio calculator

Understanding Your Results

Once you click "Calculate WHR," the tool will display the following information:

  • Your Waist-to-Hip Ratio: A numerical value representing your WHR.
  • Health Risk: An assessment of your health risk based on your WHR.
  • Your BMI: Your Body Mass Index, calculated using your waist circumference and height.
  • Personalized Health Advice: Recommendations based on your WHR and BMI.

Health Risk Categories for WHR

For Men:

  • Low Risk: WHR less than 0.9
  • Moderate Risk: WHR between 0.9 and 1.0
  • High Risk: WHR greater than 1.0

For Women:

  • Low Risk: WHR less than 0.8
  • Moderate Risk: WHR between 0.8 and 0.85
  • High Risk: WHR greater than 0.85

Personalized Health Advice

Based on your results, you will receive personalized health advice:

  • Low Risk: Maintain your healthy lifestyle to keep your risk low.
  • Moderate Risk: Consider adopting a balanced diet and regular exercise routine.
  • High Risk: It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for a comprehensive health assessment and guidance.

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Why Choose Our Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator?

  • User-Friendly: Simple and intuitive interface for easy use.
  • Comprehensive: Calculates both WHR and BMI, providing a holistic view of your health.
  • Personalized: Offers tailored health advice based on your results.
  • Accurate: Uses scientifically backed formulas to ensure accuracy.


How often should I check my WHR?

It is recommended to check your WHR periodically, especially if you are making lifestyle changes to improve your health.

Can I use this calculator if I am pregnant?

The WHR calculator may not provide accurate results for pregnant women. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider.

What is a healthy BMI?

A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy. However, BMI alone does not provide a complete picture of your health, so it is important to consider other factors such as WHR.


      Understanding your Waist-to-Hip Ratio is a crucial step towards better health. Use our Easy Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator to get accurate measurements, understand your health risks, and receive personalized advice. Start today and take control of your health!

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